contents September-October 2019 cover story 20 Addressing Profitability When plans are no longer cost-effective, there are actions advisers can take. research 28 2019 PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey In a crowded field, which providers and investments stand out? feature 40 2019 PLANADVISER National Conference Highlights from our annual gathering. departments 48 investment-oriented Is Fixed Income Working? For older participants, advisers should find investments that avoid volatility. 50 beyond(k) The Health Savings Alphabet Advisers need to know the wellness programs from FSA to HSA. 54 compliance consult SEC Issues Proxy Guidance Noted are proxy voting duties and rules for advisers. 55 fiduciary fitness Class Certification Sometimes a plaintiff can file breach of duty claims directly. 56 ERISA vista An IPS 'Sets' The Standard Once adopted, the document must be followed. 2 | September-October 2019 in every issue 4 editor's letter 6 intro 8 practice development 9 investment focus 10 compliance news 12 trendspotting conference 2019 planadviser national