contents November - December 2022 / Practice Management Issue COVER STORY 16 Built to Last Fundamentals for crafting -and retaining-a solid advisory team. CYBERSECURITY 22 Cyber Ready Foil potential breaches with strong data security practices. SUSTAINABILITY 26 Measure Your Footprint How some plan advisers embrace sustainability in their practice. FEES 30 Determinants of Profitability À la carte vs. bundled pricing-is one of these fee models better for today? SOCIAL MEDIA 34 Keep a High Profile Advisers can't sell themselves without a social media presence. SUCCESSION 36 Strategic Moves Joining a 'conglomerate' firm doesn't always aid succession planning. COMPLIANCE CONSULT 38 The Value of a VCOC Investing ERISA plan money via a venture capital operating company. ERISA VISTA 39 Retroactive Compliance Reviews Meet these requirements when checking for PTE 2020-02 violations. Q&A 40 Sheri Fitts Like it or not, marketing is necessary. in every issue 2 publisher's note 4 data points 6 compliance news 10 trends November-December 2022 | 1