contents July-August 2019 cover story 24 An Array of Models Some advisers find opportunities through aggregation or affiliation. research 28 2019 Recordkeeper Services Survey The Value of Data: By threading data through an AI interface, recordkeepers create a custom participant experience. departments 40 servicing strategies Advice for All Managed account services can benefit plan sponsors, participants and advisers. 44 beyond(k) Pension Risk Transfer on the Rise With more insurers in the business, pricing has grown competitive. 46 practice management Investment Oversight Partners How advisers benefit from asset management assistance. 48 investment-oriented Through the 'Window' The opportunity to invest beyond the plan's fund lineup. 50 compliance consult Now Who is a Fiduciary? How the SEC's best interest rule could affect plans, IRAs. 51 fiduciary fitness Venue Clauses The Supreme Court won't opine on the provision's enforceability. 52 ERISA vista The SEC's Standard On IRA Rollovers Advisers must act in investors' best interests. 2 | July-August 2019 in every issue 4 editor's letter 6 intro 8 data points 10 practice development 11 investment focus 12 compliance news 16 trendspotting